The population of Asheville is right at 90,000 (256,000 in Buncombe County) and while that is considered small in comparison to Charlotte or Winston-Salem, it is well known that Asheville comes in at number 1 in the Southeast when it comes to out-of-towners visiting the city (and the surrounding natural beauty). In 2017, 4 million people visited Asheville.
These visitors spend $2 billion at local businesses in Buncombe County annually (those businesses buy goods and services from other local businesses resulting in a total economic impact of $3.1 billion).
In 2017, tourism generated in $199.1 million in state and local revenues. The City of Asheville: $27.9 million total ($20.6 million property tax and $6.2 million in sales tax), Buncombe County: $63.1 million total ($32.4 million property tax and $28.7 million in sales tax), and State of North Carolina: $108.2 million total ($73.7 million in sales tax).
The local tourism industry provides jobs for 18,346 people in Buncombe County. And, in total, tourism supports 27,241 jobs - which is 15% of employment in the county.